La deuxième conférence suisse
des Citizen Science

La CitSciHelvetia'23 avait lieu les 29 et 30 mars 2023
au Landhaus de Soleure
sous la devise «Citizen Science - l'impact par la participation!»

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Découvres les recherches auxquelles tu peux participer !

Tu t'intéresses à la science en Suisse et tu souhaites participer à des projets ? Alors tu es au bon endroit sur Tous scientifiques! La branche de la science à laquelle les citoyens et citoyennes peuvent participer s'appelle sciences citoyennes (Citizen Science). Tu peux en apprendre plus ici. Que tu t'intéresses aux animaux, aux plantes, aux dialectes ou à la santé, il y en a pour presque pour tous les goûts dans les projets listés

Insectes survivants la lumière

  • insectes
  • nouvelle lune
  • demilune
  • nuages
  • temperature
  • location
Il s'agit de cela La lumière artificielle a un effet attractif sur de nombreux insectes nocturnes. En Suisse, les distributeurs automatiques installés à l'extérieur sont dominés par une entreprise. L'éclairage des toits de ces automates est blanc froid et la lumière attire magiquement les insectes pendant la nuit.Ils se trouvent…
 SWILD, StadtNatur, Linkedin The cooperation of citizen scientists and scientists is a win-win situation. In urban ecology, more data can be collected, also in areas that are not accessible to scientists. In return, citizen scientists receive information about their environment and contribute to science. Together, scientists and volunteers work to raise…
Citizen Science Center Zurich, Linkedin In this era of profound transformations, I believe Citizen Science can significantly help the global effort toward a more sustainable world. Switzerland is in a unique position to trailblaze meaningful public engagement, and radically democratize science both inside and outside academia.
Chair of the Swiss Expert Group for Citizen Science Science et Cité, Schweiz forscht / tous scientifiques, Linkedin  The project makes it possible to approach Citizen Science on a national level for the first time and I find it important and exciting to value different experiences, expertise and expectations and to…
Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source, Linkedin Citizen science allows us to acquire new knowledge and to develop concrete solutions that are rooted in the reality of the people concerned and that meet real needs.
University of Lausanne: The ColLaboratory, Linkedin Citizen science is an important issue for the democratization of research for universities and society. It is one of the ways to better respond to the needs of social actors to participate in the production of knowledge, and to contribute to the orientation of scientific…
ETH Zurich-tdlab, Twitter, Linkedin Giving society the opportunity to contribute to science is key to raising awareness of how science works and building trusting relationships. It also helps science to include non-certified expertise that is so important for addressing complex societal challenges.
Wissenschaf(f)t Zukünfte e.V. and ETH Zürich, Linkedin The concepts of Citizen Science can help science become truly transformative – actively engaging in and catalyzing societal change. To leverage this potential, we need to reflect critically on strengths and challenges associated with the different forms of Citizen Science – this is what we will…
University of Bern, Linkedin Citizen Science is an increasingly important complement to basic research. It has the potential to improve openness for new issues and research methods. In addition, the stronger connection between scientists and citizens ensures a better consideration of current relevant societal problems.
UZH - Participatory Science Academy, Linkedin Member of the Swiss Expert Group for Citizen Science  Citizen Science in Switzerland has many different faces and facettes. It is important to see this diversity as a strength, not as a weakness. The project does exactly that: Value different experiences and expertise, put…

GLOBE Observer - participation internationale

  • monitoring
  • nuages
  • temps
  • moustiques
  • plantes
  • malaria
  • international
  Participez à un réseau international ! Signalez vos observations environnementales grâce à l'application GLOBE Observer de la NASA. Quel est le sujet spécifique du projet ? L'application GLOBE Observer complète le programme international d'éducation GLOBE (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment) par un service supplémentaire qui est…

Observer les saisons avec PhaenoNet

  • plantes
  • phenologie
  • saison
  • nature
  • explorer
  • réseaux
  • changement climatique
  • printemps
  • ete
  • automne
  • hiver
  • observations
PhaenoNet est un réseau d’observateurs de la nature et des saisons qui mettent à disposition les résultats de leurs observations sur une plateforme commune.  
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